Before the book “Silent Spring”, spring, in my heart, is the representative of the recovery of all things. The scenes I can imagine about spring are only vibrant.

In today’s society that only focuses on economic growth, I feel that “Silent Spring” has sounded a wake-up call for us. Its author, Rachel Carson, has been ill for the sake of human happiness and the continued development of the environment. The body, enduring tremendous defamation and attack, resolutely wrote this book, but it turned out that everything she did was worthwhile. She made a great contribution to the work of human environmental protection.

The opening of Silent Spring is a slamming description: “In the past, when there was no industrialization, hundreds of birds soared in the sky every spring, or sang songs between the trees. However, nowadays, because of the large number of insecticides such as DDT, the birds are no longer flying and singing… Can we still hear the birds singing in the spring?” After reading, I was shocked and started to have resonance.

The use of pesticides does temporarily destroy a certain part of the pests. However, the natural choice is that the pests continue to evolve and the insecticides lose their effectiveness. Then humans will develop a new insecticide and cycle. However, pesticides known as harmless humans will eventually condense along the first level of the food chain, ultimately affecting humans and the environment for years, decades, or centuries. What is the difference between drinking and quenching thirst?

Let us imagine that one day a few years later, when the spring arrives, there is no sound in the village. No bees fly, no birds sing, no livestock humming, just a silence covering the fields, the woods and Pond, the feeling of being too quiet in the air is chilling. This is not magic, nor the plot of a horror film, and if this happens on a certain day in our future, imagine how terrible it will be. What is causing all this is nothing but human beings. Rachel fabricated the town for us, she pointed out. If we continue to use chemicals improperly, these may become a reality.

With the development of science and technology, many alternatives or means of prevention and control of pesticides have been created. In particular, many biological control methods reduce the harm to a small extent. As mentioned at the end of the book, we must share our planet with other creatures. The term “controlling nature” is a product of self-respect. As an individual living on this planet, each of us has an obligation to do our best to respect and protect our nature.

Рубрики: Interesting

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