What men desire women of different zodiac signs.
Every woman has an idea of ​​how her ideal man should be. It is by this standard that she chooses her gentlemen. What kind of men do women of different zodiac signs desire? Let’s find out now!

What men desire women of different zodiac signs.
Young lady-Aries
Aries want a man who is not ashamed to bring people.
No really. But, so that you understand, a man who is not ashamed to bring to people is not the one who, after the fifth glass, does not begin to tell jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky, passing them off as life stories, and not the one who is not rude to waiters.

This is an intelligent, erudite, polite and witty man. And beautiful. And rich. In general, this is an ideal prince who will not get anyone except the young lady Aries. Because he probably imagines too much about himself, and the arrogance of it is necessary to bring down. And who, if not the young lady Aries, will do this?

Young lady-Taurus
Taurus wish for themselves a man listed in the Red Book.
Endangered species. It’s dying, not because it’s a valuable trophy, but because this species is completely incapable of life, like a tiger with fins. That is, on the one hand, this is a classic Real Man, in whom testosterone is dripping from his ears, and on the other, an absolute gouging.

This furious cocktail will knock down any, but not Taurus young lady: she will measure her strength all the way with her darling in the guise of a real man and motivate gouging (to motivate with particular cruelty, note). Why? Because it is a lot of fun. Well, yes, Taurus has a peculiar sense of humor, it’s true.

Young lady-twins
The twins desire an unknown animal.
 Well, from the point of view of the Twins, unknown, of course. The twin girls are unusually insightful and usually see through and through, and therefore they believe that most men are unbearably boring types. Is it some geek! Some introvert 80 left. Some kind of closed bloke, incapable, it seems, of normal human emotions.

The twin girls suspect that there, under this icy armor, something extremely interesting should be hidden, and therefore they grab a geek and begin to love him enthusiastically, and at the same time dissect: well, what’s there, what are the secrets inside?
Mysteries are usually not found, which, however, does not upset Gemini very much: they are optimists and believe that someday they will come across a nut with a kernel.

Young lady-CANCER
Crayfish want status male.
Moreover, status is not from the point of view of a stupid human civilization, but from the point of view of a wise mother nature. The best man for the young lady of Cancer is a man who is lusted by all the other women within a radius of three hundred kilometers. And everyone wants a son from him, and a daughter, and a point. And it’s not at all because the young woman-Raku really needs to be envied by her: on the contrary, the young woman-Rak can’t tolerate too much attention to her person, and nobody likes negative attention at all. But for the sake of a status male, you can tolerate.
Just because the young lady Cancer does not choose a man for the novel. The young lady-Cancer chooses a man with whom she can immediately have a son, a daughter, and a point. I mean, get married.

Young lady-LION
Lionesses do not choose men at all.

 They are condescending. Moreover, they do not often condescend, because the chosen one must have truly outstanding qualities: on the one hand, he must be the coolest in all respects, and on the other hand, not be cooler than the Lioness herself, because otherwise how will he worship her?

But sometimes, in moments of alleged clouding of reason (in the opinion of others, of course), a Lioness can descend to some loser from among her most miserable vassals. And the dude can believe that he won the lottery. The lioness will then abandon him, of course, but only when the game “I teach the pauper to be a prince” plays enough. And it will teach. Well, simply because Lionesses are really very cool.

Young Lady
Virgo wishes for herself a reference handsome.

 Such that at the first glance at him the heart would stop and fall somewhere into the unnamed depths of the ninth anatomy. Because only perfect masculine beauty can make Virgo turn off the brain.
But this, of course, cheating in its purest form. Because the average Virgo needs about 30 minutes to disassemble the average man into components of his personality, carefully study, analyze, try on his life, recognize fit and collect it back. And after turning on the mode “ah, I lost my head from its beauty!”. Turn it on consciously so that you understand. Right here with a button, yes.

Libra wants simple guys.

 Very simple. So that you understand how much – the young Scorpio and the tip of the tail push it will disdain this unicellular.
But the young lady Libra will be happy with just that. Because the beautiful impulses of her subtle soul – that’s all “can I, do I want …” – something needs to be balanced. Well, so that in her inner universe the perfect balance is maintained.

Therefore, the young lady Libra chooses a cheerful and kind guy who is completely alien to snobbery.
So what, that Jean-Paul Sartre is alien to him at the same time, and in general everything is alien to him, except for beer, grilled sausages and the Sport Express newspaper? But he has a lot of other advantages.

He can remove a cat from a tree, for example. Without asking the young lady Libra, to hell with this flea-clump of fur and who will wash it, feed it and treat it (clearly, not Libra, no).

Young lady-SCORPION
Scorpios desire complex men.

Not like everyone else. Unrecognized geniuses, latent psychopaths, convinced misanthropes and creative alcoholics. Monsters in general. All those from whom the rest of the signs run away, as from fire, because THIS is above their strength.

And the young Scorpio just finally finds the one who she can do. Equal. Because she herself knows how to turn into a monster, if such a hunt comes to her.

Fortunately, hunting does not come very often (and therefore we are still alive), but is this not a reason to get involved with protozoa and mushrooms, with this talking mycelium? Not a reason, that’s it.

Young Sagittarius
Sagittarius wish a man with whom it is interesting.

With which all life will immediately turn into an endless celebration with surprises, blackjack and cakes. And therefore, all other signs are fiercely envious of Sagittarius: the life of a Sagittarius young lady and without men is full of interesting events and adventures, therefore Sagittarius selects only the best of the best.

Those about whom some are even afraid to dream. However, in this case, it is better for envious people to stay close to the young Sagittarius: she will soon find someone more interesting for herself, and the premium prince will remain out of work, and he can be pocketed. Unless, of course, someone except Sagittarius needs a premium prince with adrenaline addiction.

Young lady-CAPRICORN
Capricorn wants a sensitive “empathy.”

 Because the Capricorn young lady is, of course, the Iron Lady, but only outside. Inside, she is an ordinary living woman (yes, we ourselves are shocked), and she needs a man who can independently understand her feelings. One that doesn’t need to be explained.

Another thing is that a sensitive empathy usually has to explain everything else: how to wake up on an alarm clock, how to make money, how to buy products and how to sign up for a gastroscopy (and when it’s time to do it).

Because this most sensitive man is likely to be some kind of musician, poet or actor. Completely immersed in creativity. And the young Capricorn is the only virgin who is able to endure the everyday helplessness of a creative person. We tell you, she is the Iron Lady.

Young lady-AQUARIUS
Aquarius wishes a strong business executive.

 Young Aquarius women are sure that this world is beautiful, but imperfect, and for complete perfection it is necessary to remove receipts for housing and communal services, perishable foodstuffs and Russian mail from it. And about 100500 points in the same vein.

In general, you need to remove everything that daily requires from the young lady Aquarius the impossible: so that she stops, finally, soar in the clouds and takes up boring, but necessary household chores.

That is why the young lady Aquarius with pleasure delegates these responsibilities to a man who knows everything: make money, repair sockets, cook borsch and give injections to a cat. And wake up the young lady Aquarius in the morning. Which, it should be noted, is almost a feat.

Young lady-FISH
Pisces want a caring man.

Which always amazes all the other signs, because around the charming Rybka smiling sharks always swim: millionaires, aristocrats and the powerful.

Choose – I do not want! Rybka doesn’t want to, but chooses for herself some nondescript herring, and then all the other signs shout: “What did she find in him ?!” We answer: Rybka found a man who will become her mother. That is, he will carry his Fish on handles all his life, feed him with a spoon and check that Fish does not leave the house without a hat.
Well, he will do the rest too. A Fish will be beautifully capricious. And then all the other signs will shout: “Where, where did she find this ?!” But Rybka, of course, will not answer. Figures!
Now you know What men desire women of different zodiac signs.

Рубрики: Horoscopes

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